MILSA in a nutshell

MILSA started as a project between the University of Bern and University of Technology Sydney. With support of the Mercator Foundation Switzerland, a project team developped a mentoring program about intercultural learning for students who were preparing for their exchange abroad. Since 2016, the University of Bern has hosted an international colloquium on ithe topic and been active in mentoring its outbound students. In 2018, the MILSA project team was awarded the Bo Gregersen Award for Best Practice by the European Association of International Education in honor of its international collaboration.

As of autumn semester 2021, the University of Bern is offering MILSA to both its outbound as well as - very newly - its inbound students.



Oguro, Susan, and Annie Cottier. 'The complex challenge of delivering a university-wide intercultural mentoring program for study abroad', in Martin Howard (ed.), Study abroad and the second language learner: expectations, experiences and development, Bloomsbury, in print. 


Jackson, Jane, and Susan Oguro, eds. Intercultural Interventions in Study Abroad. Internationalization in Higher Education Series. London and New York: Routledge.


Poster presentation at the European Association of International Education (EAIE) conference (Poster EAIE).


International international colloquium Facilitating students’ intercultural learning through study abroad programs at the University of Bern (MILSA Colloquium Programme)